do not duplicate content


do not duplicate content - seo tips In this article you will learn how to avoid content duplication 1. How and where to use the rel = "...

do not duplicate content - seo tips

In this article you will learn how to avoid content duplication

1. How and where to use the rel = "canonical"

2. Pagination SEO Problems and Solutions

3. Advanced pagination solutions

do not duplicate content

1. How and where to use the rel = "canonical"

One of the often significant problems of web pages is dubbed content, which is difficult to observe without knowing the specifics of Googlebot. In this case, I do not mean the same site administrator copies the contents and make other pages (this is also bad for content duplication). And this is the case, when the Web site or e-shop content management system automatically generated the same page a few (or a dozen) URLs. I mean, when one and the same web page is opened with different URLs. For example:
  • http://www.sEO
  • http://sEO
  • http://sEO
  • http://www.sEO
  • http://sEO
This means that reluctantly (on specific e-shops creation content management systems), you can create duplicate content. When it is not possible to deal with this would duplicate content then attached a special meta tag rel = "canonical". This tag is added to the main content, in which case Googe robots will tell you that Home is exactly that, and the other is just a double. Here's a way we say robots and the page will not be "punished" (i.e. reduced positions in Google search).
Operating principle
The said special mark (ang. Tag) is added to the HTML page header section. This section of the page invisible to ordinary visitors. If you look the page encoding (CTR + U) then this tag should find the head section. This tag should look like this:
  • <link rel="canonical" href="" /> 
    If your web-page will have a similar way to the example shown then it means that if the system (website content management system) will create the same page papilloma URL should then be all right.
    SEO perspective Canonical URL tag attribute is similar to the 301 redirect. So using canonical URL tag will tell the search engines robots that several identical pages will be treated as one and no real forwarding to another URL (as it did 301 redirection). However, we emphasize a few key differences:
    • Using 301 redirect all users will be forcibly redirected to the new URL and the canonical URL tag is designed for search engine robots and visitors to the site will be redirected to the new URL.
    • 301 targeting is much stronger signal, which describes the correct URL, but not always able to use this type of landing and so used canonical URL. For example, when the category of goods may be filtered by price then you will notice that the URL ending changes and in this case will not be able to make a landing, because otherwise users will not be able to filter products. Thus, in this and other similar cases (that shall not be duplicated content) will use the canonical URL tag.
    • With 301 forwarding you can redirect a page from one domain to another (eg .: domain domain and thus drive traffic and SEO metrics. However, with the canonical URL is only one server in the same domain (canoncal also applies to the same domain and sub-domains subdirectory
    • Using improper canonical tags google (taking into account comments Matt Cutts) still has some additional assessment and the determination whether or not canonical is used properly and in the end still Google decide which page (under the tracing system of systems) will be a key. But always recommended to manually marked and thus help the search engine robots easier to select the home page.
    Videos of canonical and 301 redirect (Matt Cutts)

    How, when and where we should use the canonical tag?
    Facing such a problem when we have a dozen versions of the Pates page with different URLs arises the next problem:
    1. Search engines do not know which version of the page to include / exclude in SEO evaluation indications.
    2. Search engines do not know or redirect all links SEO metrics (trust, authority, keyword links, reference number, etc.) to a specific one site or distributed to all respectively.
    3. Search engines know which page sureitinguoti above and one below the search engine results.
    When these things happen Websites owners are faced with such problems as ranking and traffic decline. So to avoid all that webmasters use canonical tags.

    What Google says about Canonical URL tag?
    or rel="canonical" This is a hint or an indication?
    This is a hint that a sufficiently rigorous. This hint we note and appreciate together with other valuation signals in order to deliver search engine results are most relevant pages for.

    Can I use relative links in order to indicate the canonical tag such as: & lt; link rel = "canonical" href = "product.php? Item = swedish-fish" / & gt;?
    It is allowed.
    Do not be a problem if you celebrate the canonical, but it will not be identical to the copy of the page?
    It is permissible for small differences in the pages, and this should not be a problem.

    What happens if rel = "canonical" page will be presented to 404 pages (not looking)?
    Anyway Google search engine robots will continue indexing your site and by other signals will appreciate that the page is important. But it may have some negative impact on SEO position in search engine results.

    What if the rel = "canonical" pages have not yet been indexed?
    And when all other content on the Internet continues to index and detects canonical pages to be taken into account and quickly indexed specify canonical URLs.

    Can rel = "canonical" can be directed?
    You can google this and then divert to do so as usual the redirect. 

    Videos of canonical (Matt Cutts)

    2.Pagination SEO Problems and Solutions

    Another problem often arises in SEO e-shop page-numbering product categories. For example pagination occurs when the electronic store category have hundreds or thousands of items. And both products on one page open not only difficult (long boot page) but also inconvenient, and it is therefore numbered. Exactly the same situation could happen with every morphology and content online sveaine.
    At first glance it would seem a trifle, but it should be noted that the CI press the next page, and then change the URL. From the SEO side - pagination problems causing difficulties for a proper Google indexing. The issue:
    • Search Engine robots indexing restrictions
      Once the search engine robots to index your site does not mean that completely index all the pages. How many indexes depends on your domain rating. So if you have a lot numbered pages is a high probability that not all pages will be indexed.
    • Duplicate content problems
      Depending on what will be the content of the pages are numbered, but it is very likely to be repetitive or identical (copies) elements. In particular, such as the page title, meta tags and meta description. And yet the whole Googlebot causing complete confusion what it is and which of the numbered pages submitted within search engine results.
    • Short description of the problem
      In a situation where the numbered pages contain very little content. For information only name and photo, and thus there is a lack of unique content which could be punished in various google update algorithms.
    So how to solve the problems of pagination?
    The best solution - prepare a suitable design, but there are other solutions. However, when planning the site design should pay attention to these things, that reduce pagination problems:
    • By creating a larger number of categories reduces the number of pages (in this way you will have a lower numbered pages of content).
    • \Increasing the quantity of the products displayed on the page as well as reduce the number of pages.
    • By combining specially formatted links paginated pages numbering solve problems.
    But existing sites or electronic stores touched on SEO will change the structure and always made to solve the problems. But there are other solutions which help you to solve the problems of pagination:

    OPTION 1: Remove the numbered pages from indexation.

    The easiest solution - you do not need to remove numbered pages from indexation. However, consider whether or not the pages you Not that indexed.
    And to remove the indexation only need to add a column & lt; META NAME = "ROBOTS" CONTENT = noindex, follow "& gt; into numbered pages except the first. But make sure that you've added the tag "follow", which will ensure the transfer between the authority of the page numbered pages while removed from the Google index.
    Benefits :
    • One of the easiest solutions.
    • A good solution in such a situation when there is no need to index the pages numbered
    limitations: Although it is possible to solve pagination SEO problems but numbered pages will be removed from the Google index

    OPTION 2:A separate page with all the goods, which is marked with rel=“canonical”

    It is likely that the Google system would be the best option if you create a separate page that contains all the information on one page, "All-Product. This help page tag rel = "canonical" and all of the page numbered pages, insert the above tag rel = "canonical" (such as & lt; link rel = "canonical" href = "http: // www. Domain .com / all-items" / & gt;. in this way, google system say that the main page, this will be http: // www. domain .com / visos- goods .php, and all of the page numbered pages eg .: http: // www. domain .com / all - goods .php? page = 2, ie, the page (http: // www. domain .com / total - goods .php) copies.

    Taking into account the recommendations of google such way is one of the better pagination solutions to the problem. Also, visitors are more comfortable when all the goods are hinged on one page. However, it should
    draw on the page loading time. If such a page with all the goods is charging more than 4-5 seconds then also not good. If you are charging a long time and then should try to optimize the page (/ all - goods .php) by reducing the number of unnecessary queries to the database, optimizing PHP, HTML, CSS and script code, see also the opportunity for resizing images (for high quality images occupy a lot of space and the strain on the page loading speed).
    • Fairly simple solution.
    • Google search engine to easily and quickly identify the main page and copies.
    • All content will be presented on one specific page, but users will still be able to use the numbered pages and it will not pose a problem for SEO numbered pages.
    limitations: Bad decision when we have to provide all the content with high resolution pictures, or when a single page will be thousands of items. For page loading will be too long and the user will be uncomfortable and unacceptable when thousands of items on one page. In this case it is better to create more categories or choose another solution.

    Option 3:Use bookmarks Rel=“prev”/“next”

    The pagination solution can be technically difficult, but worthy of attention and solves any type of website pages numbering issues. Google system identifies and supports the following HTML attribute (rel = "prev" and "next"), which identifies the numbered pages. The integration of these attributes to your website can be complicated and, therefore, must be carefully and properly insert them.
    After using tags rel="prev"/"next You create a proper link between the chain numbered pages. Links chain starts on the first page / page 1.php, which is inserted into the appropriate section of the code:

    • <link rel="next" href="">
    Please note that it is such a code is added to the first numbered page.
    Let's go to the second page. However, we note that the second page is not the last, and there are the following pages. Consequently, the second & lt; head & gt; section need to insert an additional line of code. We need to include the first page reference code, the tag rel = "prev" and the third page reference code with the tag rel = "next" in such a way to ensure the chain links:

    (page 2):

    • <link rel="prev" href="">
    • <link rel="next" href="">
    Taking into account the 4 numbered pages example we can see that the third page is also not the last, SO guided by the same principle as in the previous example:


    • <link rel="prev" href="">
    • <link rel="next" href="">
    The fourth page is the last numbered pages chain, making the last page of links in the chain is denoted otherwise. On this page, we add only one tag rel = "prev" & lt; head & gt; column:

    (page 4):

    • <link rel="next" href="">
    With this system links rel = "prev" / "next" numbered pages on Google Search evaluates all pages of this type (numbered), as a single one-page content. This means that Google will provide customers with the first page as the most suitable search. However, Google has other (backup and additional) assessment tools (as happens to be a programmer may err by summing the other tags or other situation) because google if it detects exceptional conditions, why should be given a numbered page NR2, and at first, then and present second place in the previous page. Google This condition can be treated as a fuse contingencies.
    Benefits :
    • Solves the problem of numbering pages without creating a separate page, which should be all of the content, without numbering.
    • This problem is solved with minor changes to the HTML code.
    • Depending on the content of the site, but it is likely that this method will be implemented fairly complex.
    • A prerequisite - correctly and without errors programmed to achieve the desired result.
    It is important to note that a significant rel = "prev" / "next" recovery can be recorded along with the tag rel = "canonical

    3. Advanced pagination solutions

    1. Additional URL parameters and tags rel=“prev”/“next”
    In some cases, the marks rel = "prev" / "next" paginated URLs can be and with additional parameters as the session ID, and that does not change the whole content. And in this case, you can re-encounter with the duplicate content problem. </ P>
    There is a simple solution through Google Webmaster tool to specify which pages to index the particular parameter. However, there are some of the same content with a different URL (only on certain parameters) and provide some SEO value. Banned the index, we would lose this value. So it is always advisable along with tags rel = "prev" / "next" and use the tag rel = "canonical" and also tell which page is the most important.

    2. Filtered content and rel = "prev" / "next" significant Use
    SEO problems using the filter numbered pages. For example if a numbered page, you can further filter the items by brand, for example:

    • Page1: http: // /.htmlpage1? Brand = Nike

    Given this situation the page content will depend on the chosen variable. For example:

    • Page1: http: // /.htmlpage1? Brand = adidas
    • Page1: http: // /.htmlpage2? Brand = adidas

    It presents a completely different list of items than:

    • page1:
    • page2:
    If you think there is some value to the SEO parameters sufiltruotais Google index, then the best plan is as follows: to create a separate page numbering for each chain brand separately. However, in these pages (with filter) does not indicate additional rel = "canonical" tag. rel = "canonical" tag will remain limited to one page without any parameters.

    3. Content sorting (sort order) and substantial rel=“prev”/“next” use
    When you visit a page as soon as it can be sorted as such:

    • page1:
    However, there may be a possibility and sorted in a different order, newest first brand and to change the URL:

    • page1:
    The SEO professionals are sometimes differences of opinion and states that both the oldest and newest goods should be numbered with a separate numbering circuit tagged rel = "prev" / "next". However, this option only sets out a different page content, and the content remains the same, and again persists duplicate content problem.

    Therefore, in such case, when you change the layout of the content, I recommend to use the tag rel = "prev" / "next" only the default parameter paginated
    In the alternative sorting setting, which in this example is the latest products (newest) should be prohibited indexation. That can easily be done with Google Webmasteer tool with which we can specify only one specific parameter to be indexed.

    At first glance, these are solutions can seem quite complex. However, drilling down further realize that it is not very difficult. In addition, the matrix provides a solution that will make it easier to decide what kind of a solution to the case of use.

    If you choose to use one of these SEO problems in ways sure to check twice if correctly used the proper tags, because we see a lot of errors using the tag rel = "prev" / "next".


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